Help Me God Order - Discover the Healing Power of Christian Meditation

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Help Me God Change My Life Ebook

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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Overview[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Overview[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Lord Cleanse Me[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Lord Cleanse Me[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Tear Down the Walls[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Tear Down the Wall[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Change Your Life[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]Change Your Life[/text_block]

Some Highlighted Resources in the Program

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]

Christian Meditation CDs

Vitamix Blender


Chapter Overviews

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Chapter 1: Detox Your Mind

mind like garden


A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast,
the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the washing outside.

“That laundry is not very clean”, she said.
“She doesn’t know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.”
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,
the young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:

“Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this.”

The husband said, “I got up early this morning and
cleaned our windows.”

And so it is with life. What we see when watching others
depends on the purity of the window through which we look.
(Author Unknown)

A renewed mind is essential to a fruitful walk with God. Roman 12:2
states that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
In fact, the mind has the greatest influence on your health,
wealth, relationships, happiness, and overall well-being. When your
mind is toxic and filled with fear, negativity, anger, insecurity,
self-doubt and any other state of disharmony, it keeps you from
experiencing God’s peace, joy, and abundance in your personal life
and surroundings.

However, renewing the mind usually isn’t as easy as stopping
destructive thinking and replacing them with happy thoughts. Most
of the thoughts we think on a day-to-day basis are engrained
mindsets and subconscious mental patterns. Changing these unhealthy
mindsets starts with first recognizing they are there and then
replacing them with God’s word and thoughts that are spiritual

Many of us need a “brain” washing. That’s what the Detox Your Mind
section of this program is all about. If you struggle continually
with negative thoughts, depression, worry, fear, guilt, anxiety and
any other emotion or mindset not consistent with God’s character,
this program can help you take control over your mental and
emotional health.

Resources Needed

If possible, print out the entire He E-guide or email it to your local Staples or Office Max for duplicating, hole-punch and place in binder (copy front to back)

Reproduce 30 copies of the Daily Schedule, 6 copies of Short and Long Term Project List, and 5 copies of Weekly Schedule. The forms are in the appendix section of this guide or Click Here to download. Also includes Project Flow Chart.  Reproduce as needed.

Dividers or Binder Tabs
Journal or Composition Notebook
CD-R Disks to Download the Meditation and Affirmation Recordings
CD Player or MP3 Player
Rent the movie: Ground Hog Day for Day 6 (see Neflixs Link)

Optional Resources Suggested

Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness by Nan C. Merrill
40 Days to a Closer Walk with God
Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim

Links: EFT with Christian Affirmations:

 Chapter 2: Detox Your Spirit

spirit and truth
Jesus said in John 4:24, that God is a Spirit and they that worship
Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth, for these are the
types of worshipers that God seeks.

But what does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth?
Worshipping God in truth means that we follow God according to what
is Biblically and spiritually sound or correct instead of tradition.
Religious traditions are long-established or inherited customs and
rules we learn in church that have very little to do with
developing a close relationship with God. Traditions are usually
based on specific do’s and don’ts that supposedly make us look holy on
the outside but do nothing to change the condition of our heart. 1
Samuel 16:7 says, God doesn’t look at our outer appearance. He
looks at who we are. He looks at our motivation. He looks at our

Secondly, God wants us to worship him in spirit. I think we
sometimes forget that God is a spiritual-being. He’s not of flesh
and bone like men. He is omnipresence meaning God is everywhere at
the same time. Unfortunately, all too often we’re taught we serve
and love God by performing a lot of religious activities. I
remember over and over hearing that the more involved I was in
church, the more faithful or serious I was about my Christian walk.
But it was Jesus who mildly scolded Martha for insisting that Mary
help her with all the dinner preparations. Jesus said, Martha, I
want you to know that Mary has chosen that which was best, to sit
and abide with me. ( Luke 10:41 paraphrased) Worshipping God in
spirit means to abide with God in unity and oneness. It means
spending time with God, just as Jesus did on a daily basis. It was
Jesus’ desire that we become one with God, just as “I and my Father
are one,” said Christ. Becoming one with God means communing with
Him and as we do, our spirits intertwine and we become one spirit, letting
God’s light shine through us.

Section Two contains 18 lessons on eliminating
those beliefs, traditions, customs, rules and any other spiritual
barriers that may be interfering with you knowing God on an
intimate level or knowing God in spirit and truth. In this section
you learn why it is so important to confess your sins, live free
from fear, deal with unclean spirit, and learn the art of being and
surrendering to God.

Required Resources Needed:
Journal or Notebook

Optional Resources Suggested
A Date with God
How to Keep a Spiritual Journal
Getaway with God (Coming Soon)


What a Friend We Have in Jesus (YouTube Video)


Chapter 3: Detox Your Body

health woman


Are you at your best physically? Most of us would answer that
question with a resounding “NO.” You may not be chronically ill,
but struggle with keeping off excessive weight, or just feel
sluggish or tired a lot of the time. As we age our body doesn’t
work as well as it did when we were younger. Poor diet, lack
of exercise, and stress all contribute to the deterioration of our
physical health. Every now and then it’s important to give our
bodies a rest so that it can repair and rejuvenate itself. Detoxing
your body helps to rid your body of toxins and waste that have
accumulated over time and make you feel less then your best.

Section Three  titled, Detox Your Body and takes you through a
series of practical and spiritual lessons to rejuvenate your
physical health. By the end of this section, you will have gained
the knowledge and empowerment to stay on course to a healthier
life style and a new you.

In the Detox Your Body Section you’ll learn about the history of
the food industry and why even with all the knowledge we now know
about health and nutrition, people are bigger and unhealthier than
ever before. If you are a slave to food you’ll learn practical
techniques and about supplements based on your brain type that will
free you from mind less eating or cravings. You’ll learn various
methods of eliminating toxins from your body and how to do them.
Lastly you’ll partake in an eight day detox diet that will move you
in the direction of restoring your health and vitality.

But what’s even more exciting, is that during section one and two you
learn how to detox your mind and spirit, so that by the time you
reach the Detox Your Body portion of the program, you’ll be on the same page and working together as a whole… mind, body and sprit, which will further insure your success.

Required Resources Needed

Foods for Detox Diet (See Day 41)

Your journal or notebook
Eight copies of Food Diary Log (or more if you plan to continue)
Tape measure
Dry Brush for Massage (Bath and Body Works)
14 copies of Food Log
Print out detox recipes if you didn’t print out entire eguide
Epson salt
DVD– Food Matters or Forks Over Knives (rent from Netflixs or Online)

Must Watch Health Documentaries:

11 Powerful  Healthy Documentaries that will Change Your Life

24 Must See Health Documentaries (many on Netflixs)

Optional Resources Suggested

Nutritional Supplements: 5HTP, Omega 3, Vitamin D, SAMe, GABA, Tryosine
Green or Detox Tea  depending upon your eating patterns in
emotional eating lesson.

Order through Swanson’s Vitamins  or Amazon.

Visit my website Holy and Healthy Living.

Trader Joe’s Colon Cleanse ($ 12.99)

Helpful Links

Green Smoothie Prepping Tips (Saves Time)

The Anatomy of a Green Smoothie (Keep fruit to minimum)

40 Healthy Smoothie Recipes (eliminate any animal products like yogurt, milk etc)

More Green Smoothie Recipes

Low Fat or No Fat Salad Dressings #1

No Fat or Low Fat Salad Dressings #2

51 Healthy Snack Ideas

Amen Clinics for Brain Testing (Good Omega-3 Supplement Recommended)

Christian Health Online for Christian Weight Loss Reviews

Exercise Videos

Food Heaven Made Easy (great vegan and vegetarian recipes)



Chapter 4: Detox Your Space

clear clutter


Is clutter squashing your inspiration?

If you take an inventory of your home at this moment how does it
make you feel? Does your home reflect your inner desires and values
or is it more of a collection of stuff here and there? Your home
also says a lot about your state of mind. When we are disorganized
mentally it shows up in our surroundings as well. We are mind, body
and sprit and if we are out of alignment in any one of those areas,
we’re generally off kilter in others too.

Living in a home that is clutter free and reflects your divine
nature and personality can do wonders for your spiritual and
psychological health. It also opens the door to receiving more
insight, more inspiration and more creativity because all that
stuff isn’t weighing you down mentally and emotionally.

In Section Four  titled Detox Your Space, I take you through a
series of lessons to help you get your home or work place back in
decent shape or order. You’ll learn techniques to eliminate clutter
quickly and easily and then keep it out once it’s gone. In addition
to physical clutter there may be spiritual toxins that need to be
removed. You can’t see them but they impact you and your family
just the same. You’ll learn how to purify your home from any
unwanted guest.

Lastly your household products contribute to a host of illnesses
due to their toxic chemical content. Learn what products you can
buy that will get the job done, and keep your family toxin free.

You can say goodbye to clutter and hello to peace, serenity, and
cleanliness today.

Required Resources Needed

Medium to Large Boxes and Packing Tape
Tape Recorder
Index Cards
Felt Pin

Victors Pests


Chapter 5: Detox Your Relationships



Relationships, we can’t live without them, even though sometimes we
probably wish we could. Relationships add value to our life. My
fondest memories usually include the good times with my family,
loved ones, and friends. God created us to be social beings and not
islands, therefore healthy relationships are one of the backbones
to a healthy and fulfilling life.

But what if several of the relationships you are in are toxic and
don’t honor, support and enhance your life but leave you feeling
hopeless, worthless, and unhappy instead? It may be time to take a
serious inventory of your relationships, to evaluate whether they
are enhancing or impairing your life.

If you find yourself in relationships that are holding you back or
making you unhappy it may be time to let them go or if you are
married, seek outside help. However, if you find yourself
reliving the same type of destructive relationships over and over
again, YOU being the common denominator, it’s time to investigate
what in your thoughts or past experiences might be causing you to
attract the same person with a different name. Sometimes we’re the
toxic ones and need to rid ourselves of false mindsets or unhealthy
behaviors. In any case, you can decide which relationships are
important enough to salvage and keep, and which need to be
discarded all together.

Maybe your problem isn’t that you are in toxic relationships but
you have built up walls around your heart that keeps others at arms
length. The bad thing about walls is that they don’t only keep out
the bad, they keep out the potentially good and healthy
relationships as well. Instead of constructing walls to protect
yourself, you need to create loving boundaries that allow you to
recognize and the cut off relationships that don’t support you as a
person. When you go to buy apples, you pick through them, selecting
only the best. Why not do the same with your friends and
relationships? Nurture and grow the good ones and put the unhealthy
ones back on the shelf.

Whether you’re single or married in the Detox Your Relationships you’ll
learn what’s necessary to build healthy and long lasting
relationships and also how to recognize destructive relationships
and move on. Wanting or searching for love, learn what you can do
that will open you up to meeting the man or woman you desire.
Detoxing Your Relationships is about eliminating everything in you
that does not support the love that you want.

Required Resources Needed

Journal or notebook


Chapter 6: Detox Your Schedule



What type of achiever are you?

In my life I have encountered two types of people, the overachiever
and the underachiever. The overachiever is the type who creates a
life of constant activity and things to do. They have a generous
to-do list that would often take a whole crew to complete. They
take in more then they can handle and get frustrated when they can
do it all.

The second type, the underachiever is the complete opposite.
Underachievers tend to do only what they “have” to in any given
moment. Although they might be creative, talented and extremely
intelligent, those attributes just sits dormant most of the time.
These types are often bored with life as they sit around
contemplating their purpose. They are looking for something outside
of themselves to show up their life and make them happy, instead of
finding fulfillment in God and within themselves or creating their own

Both of these extremes are not Gods best for us. God never intended
for us to strive to get what we want. In fact, he calls those who
strive for daily needs pagans, not trusting in Him (God) as their
source and supply. On the other hand those who just sit back and
wait for their life to get better are missing out on all the
opportunities that God may be sending their way.

Life is about balance and balance incorporates routine. Some of us
don’t like that word, but routine creates decency and order. It
addresses all areas of our life, so that one area doesn’t take
precedent over others. Through balance and routine we can step off
the treadmill of life and create a life based on our most important
values. And for those who don’t know where to begin, a routine
creates momentum. It sets us moving and movement creates change.

In the Detox Your Schedule  you’ll learn to create more balance in
your life by discovering which areas are all out of whack and need
your attention. You’ll learn how to create a new daily routine
based not on urgency but on your core values. In addition, you’ll
learn ways to eliminate time wasters like procrastination and
learning to save “no” when you need to.

Required Resources Needed:
Additional copies of Daily and Weekly Schedule and Long & Short Term Project List

Meet up


Chapter 7: Detox Your Vision



Are you singing the song God put in your heart?

Six years ago I walked away from a $60k teaching job to start my
own business. If I had loved teaching and believed it was my
calling I would have stayed, but I was miserable. I was stressed
out and tired of all the hoops we as teachers had to jump through.
I can tell you that teaching has become a thankless profession and
we are blamed for the educational failure of students, when society
as a whole is failing our youth.Although my income as a self-employed individual is much less


than what I was earning as a teacher, I couldn’t be happier. Everyday
I wake up doing what I love and it never feels like I am working.
In fact I have to make myself stop.Because of this decision I don’t live in a big fancy house, drive a
new car or wear the latest fashions; instead I traded all that for
creative freedom and the ability to be me and do something that
excites me every day of the year.

You may not be in the position to walk away from your job soon, but
that doesn’t stop you from discovering what would make you come
alive and make your heart sing. But in order to do this you need a
vision, and if you don’t have one then ask God to help you create
one. He created you and for a distinct plan and purpose so that you
can use your talent, creativity or even your personality to bless
your world of your influence.

In Detox Your Vision portion of Detox Your Life and Awaken Your 
Spirit, you’ll learn how to discover your purpose and start fulfilling it
immediately. Hanukah 2:2 says “write your vision on the wall and
make it plain.” You’ll learn how to create your very own vision
plan that includes your deepest dreams and desires. Once you have
your vision in place, you’ll learn how to manifest it using the
principles of the law of attraction, “Ask, believe and receive” to
bring it to pass in your life.

Required Resources Needed:
Scrap book materials or large white canvas
Magazines, all kinds
Glue and scissors
Copyright Serenity Enterprises 2010



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